February 20, 2007

Airport Blogging Ritual

At the terminal 2 free internet stations. Boarding in 5 minutes time.
Today has been a crazy eventful day even before I get on the plane to go to Sabah.

I tried looking for free wifi but there was none at the airport. Unbelievable. Wireless@sg doesn't extend to terminal 2 and the place with ethernet requires me to provide my own cable! WTF! I really need to send out the survey questions and interview questions for my thesis and now I have to wager on Kota Kinabalu having internet access.

Anyways I sustained a slight injury this morning and hopefully that will not affect me when I get to Sabah. Sigh.

What a way to start an adventure. See you guys in 7 days! And if you are lucky, KK comes with inet and I'll be online before you know it.

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Blogger Wai said...

Bah. Didn't even know you'd left till yesterday. Anyway, I doubt very much you'll find inet in KK. Always had trouble getting online in East Malaysia. The few internet cafes I could find in KK were the dial-up kind. So I guess will look forward to updates when you get back! :)

2/23/2007 10:05 PM  

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